What We Believe
The Scriptures – We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God to reveal His character and His plan of salvation through Jesus Christ. Though penned by men, it was supernaturally given by the Holy Ghost without error in the original manuscripts and is therefore the sole authority for our beliefs and practices.  The King James Version of the Bible is used for teaching and preaching.  II Timothy 3:15-17  II Peter 1:19-21  Psalm 119:160
God – We believe there is only one true God, who is eternally existent and sovereign over all. Scripture presents God in three persons, equal in being, power and glory, while displaying distinct roles and attributes.
- God the Father – Sovereign creator and ruler of heaven and earth; initiator and completer of man’s redemption; all powerful, all knowing, and everywhere present. Gen.1:1  John 3:16  Rev. 19:6  Psalm 139:7-10
- Jesus Christ – Pre-existent with the Father; born of the virgin Mary through the power of the Holy Spirit; sinless in nature and life; crucified for the sins of mankind thereby making atonement; resurrected by the power of God; seated at the Father’s right hand making intercession for His people; soon returning for His church; future coming in power and glory in judgment to reign on earth.  John 1:1-2  Matt. 1:23  Rom. 3:24-25  Heb. 9:24  Rev. 19:11-16
- Holy Spirit – Active in regenerating men who come to God by faith; sent from God the Father to indwell and empower believers; active in the world convincing men of sin, righteousness and judgment. Rom. 8:9 John 16:8-11  Titus 3:5
Creation– We believe that God created the heavens and the earth, including all life, each after its own species, by direct act and not the process of evolution. We believe He did this in six literal 24 hour days. We believe in a young earth theory. Gen 1
Man – We believe that man was created in God’s image, yet because of Adam’s sin, all mankind through Adam is fallen to a state of sin and death. Man is unable to obtain favor with God by works or merit and is fully accountable to God for his actions and thoughts. Gen 1:26-27 Rom. 5:12
Sin – We believe sin is any violation of God’s law and is demonstrated in the choices and actions of all mankind. Sin is punishable by eternal death and separation from God in the lake of fire. Rom. 3:23 Rom. 6:23 Rev. 20:15
Satan –We believe in the reality and personality of Satan. He is the author of sin and cause of Eve’s deception. He is the ruler of this current world system, the enemy of God and accuser of the children of God and is destined to eternal punishment in the lake of fire. Gen. 3:1-5 Eph. 2:1-2 Rev. 12:10 Rev.20:10
Salvation – We believe salvation is undeserved favor granting forgiveness and righteousness to the believing sinner thereby delivering the sinner from eternal punishment. Salvation is obtained by faith in Jesus Christ alone, apart from any work or merit, and is based entirely upon Christ’s redemptive work on the cross. We believe that all those truly born again are securely kept by the power of God. John 10:27-29 Eph. 1:7 Eph. 2:8-9 I Peter 1:3-5
Bodily Resurrection – We believe in the bodily resurrection of all men in the future; of believers, to life everlasting at the coming of Christ; of unbelievers, to eternal punishment in the lake of fire at the end of the Millennial reign of Christ. John 5:28-29 I Thess. 4:13-18 Rev. 20:11-15
Church –We believe the church is the Body of believers baptized by the Holy Spirit into Christ and is locally joined together for worship, service and ordinances established by Christ. The church is commissioned to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world; to first make disciples, then baptize them and teach them according to Scriptures. We believe that the local church is autonomous, having the absolute right to self-governance. The church is steward of two ordinances which are Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Acts 2:41-47 Matt. 28:19-20
- Baptism – Symbolic of the inward reality of our death, burial and resurrection with Christ; follows personal faith in Christ; identifies us as a believer in Jesus Christ.  Rom. 6:3-5
- Lord’s Supper – Symbolic of His body, broken for us, and His blood, shed for us; reminding us of His death for our sins; declaring His death each time it is observed; anticipating the future reality when we will eat with Christ in His Kingdom.  I Cor. 11:25-32
Hell– We believe in an actual, literal Hell and Lake of Fire. It is a place of eternal punishment for Satan, fallen angels, and the unbelieving dead. Luke 16: 22-26 Rev. 20: 12-15 Rev. 21:8
Heaven– We believe in an actual place called Heaven where God’s immediate presence is manifested, where the angels dwell, and where the redeemed shall ultimately dwell; that it is from Heaven which Christ descended and to which, after completion of His earthly ministry, He ascended and that it is in Heaven that He makes intercession for the saints, and from whence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. John 14:1-3 Rev. 21
The Second Coming of Christ– We believe in the bodily, personal, premillennial, and imminent coming of the Lord Jesus Christ in the air to catch away all believers unto Himself before the tribulation period; and in the personal, visible, and glorious return of Christ to the earth, with believers, at the close of the tribulation period to judge the nations and to set up His millennial Kingdom on earth. Acts 1:11 John 14:3 I Thess. 4:13-18 Matt. 24:42-44
Israel– We believe Israel was called of God as God’s chosen Old Testament people starting with Abraham. They are a separate and distinct entity different than the New Testament church. The promises given to Israel as a people will be fulfilled by God for Israel and are not meant for the church. The New Testament church has not replaced Israel. I Cor. 10:32
Calvinism– This church does neither espouse nor endorse Calvinism. We do not accept Calvinism and its basic tenets as represented by the acrostic TULIP-Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace, and Perseverance of the Saints.
Charismaticism– This church is not associated with the charismatic movement either in doctrine or practice. I Cor. 14
Marriage and Human Sexuality – We believe that God created male and female as separate and distinct sexual beings. We believe marriage was established by God for mutual companionship, sexual enjoyment and the reproduction of life. Gen 1:26-27
- Marriage – We believe marriage is the union of one man with one woman as designed by God and cannot be redefined by society or individuals. Any and all sexual activity outside of marriage is sin.  Gen. 1:26-27  Heb.13:4
- Sexual Perversion – We believe that homosexuality, bestiality, bisexuality, pedophilia, adultery, fornication, incest and all forms of sexual perversions are sinful acts and are contrary to God’s design.  Romans 1
- Gender – We believe that any attempt to alter or reassign one’s gender by actions, appearance or surgery is sinful and against God’s design.  Gen. 1:27